Randstad joins Talent Feature: “Focus on personal development”

Helping students find a part time job, helping students to develop themselves and providing them with perspective for their future careers. That is what Randstad is all about. Edo Zwaan, Manager Digital Marketing at Randstad, is happy he will be able to reach students through the official student app of educational institutions from now on. “For us this is an innovative addition to the set of channels we already have. I am really excited and happy we will be able to reach students this way as well.”
Even after 22 years at Randstad Group Edo is still passionate about his job. The will to help students develop themselves is huge. “I have had many different roles within the Randstad Group but this is where I am most comfortable”, he says. “On the one hand, this role is interesting and allows me to learn new things every day. On the other hand, Randstad really stands for something. Helping people develop and even educate them; that is what we are all about!”
Perfect match with students
Focussing on students is a very logical choice for Randstad according to Edo. “Our clients like having students to fill their part time positions”, he says. “They know students deliver a certain standard quality wise that is not natural for everyone. They also look at students as potential future employees, talent for the future so to say. That is why companies like to invest in students. With that mindset, it is up to the students to decide if they work for our clients just for a short period of time, or if they see it as a long term relationship.
And it works both ways: students profit from finding a job through Randstad. “If you work for one of our clients, you also work for us. We want what is best for students and help them grow”, Edo states. Their track record proves his claim. With high job security and future perspectives, Randstad is a great employer for students. “We help students grow during their part time jobs. They gain valuable experience and are being prepared for the real work after they graduate. After they do, we also help them find their first ‘real job’.
A talented solution
With his digital marketing team Edo reaches a great amount of students every day. The biggest challenge is reaching unique students. “We have a lot of channels that we use successfully. The main challenge is to ensure we reach a high number of unique students. Because people can find us in so many different places, we reach the same individuals multiple times”, he says. The Talent Feature is a valuable addition to the existing set of channels and is expected to help reach more unique students.
“The Talent Feature is a new channel and allows us to reach our target audience in-app, something we have not done up until now. In addition to that, it happens to be the official app of the educational institution. We are close to our target audience and I am very curious to see how many students we will be able to help find a part time job.”
At this point it is all about sharing relevant job opportunities with students, but in time Edo would like to do more than that. “The Talent Feature has a lot of potential when it comes to helping students. How great would it be if we could invite students to exciting events? They would be able to orient themselves. That is one of the things we are looking at together with StuComm. I am looking forward to working together and the first results from the Talent Feature”, Edo concludes.