Supporting university IT departments with StuComm
One of our speakers at our 2017 Digital Student Summit, Paul Govey, admitted that updating old systems is “a terrifying process”. The Head of Student Communication and Marketing for Manchester University went on to say that institutions must “go big or go home in the hope the change pays off for staff and students”.
Implementing change at the necessary scale for universities and colleges is a huge task, and one fraught with “terror” for the staff involved. System updates are one thing but system overhauls are panic-inducing at the thought of tens of thousands being unable to access their data due to a bug or error. We can soothe this panic.
Rather than taking over and replacing an institution’s existing systems we work closely with the IT department to deliver a streamlined, effective and modern communication solution for staff and students alike. We believe in collaboration, not just supplying, and so devise an individual, specific product for each client.
We consistently communicate with the institution’s IT department to not only keep them informed but have their expertise consultancy. To-date, we have not encountered a university system we cannot connect with.
We do not consider ourselves a distant third-party provider, but a partner of our clients with whom we work to create the best possible solution for their technological needs. Our tailored StudentsApp does not disturb the systems already in place whatsoever, but rather works with them in order to provide a new, smoother way of delivering data to students in the form of an app. This way, rather than being forced to do massive system overhauls, institutions can update their communication system without replacing, displacing or disrupting current IT structures and the people who rely on them.
Whilst making the jump to a native app such as ours might seem terrifying, the benefits prove its worth: Students are digital and want to receive their information in a concise and modern manner; our ethic is communicative, cohesive and collaborative; We provide service desks for every single customer meaning no problem or query goes ignored. It’s also why our apps are updated every eight weeks.
Based on the fact 100% of our customers would recommend us to another institution, it’s fair to say that students, staff and IT departments all benefit from working with StuComm.